I have had the question several times now so I thought I would blog about. This info was actually covered in the original press release, EnterpriseDB Announces First-Ever Professional-Grade PostgreSQL Distribution for Linux. Professional-Grade PostgreSQL Distribution EnterpriseDB Postgres is an open source, pre-configured, certified binary PostgreSQL distribution that simplifies enterprise deployment, eliminating the need to source multiple software components on the Web and manually assemble them. EnterpriseDB Postgres includes a one-click installer that delivers the most commonly needed PostgreSQL components and add-ons for major operating systems, including:
- The most recent General Availability version of PostgreSQL, plus:
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- Cryptography (pgCrypto)
- XML Support (libxml)
- Full Text Search (TSearch2)
- Database Linking (DBLink)
- Languages: pl/pgSQL, pl/TCL, pl/Perl
- Database Connectors: ODBC, JDBC
- Graphical administration and monitoring (pgAdmin III and phpPgAdmin)
- Replication (Slony-I)
- Geospatial information server (PostGIS)
- Comprehensive documentation